The following ordinances are unofficial text. The documents include the 2011 amendments proposed by the Town Board. The official text is maintained by the Town Clerk and is available for reference at the Town Hall.

The following ordinances have been adopted since the last update of the municipal code and are not included in the above links.

Ordinance 2024-02 - Amending Chapter 4 Traffic Code, Section 4.04 Parking, Stopping and Standing  

Ordinance 2012-01 Extended Terms

Ordinance 2012-02 Traffic Signage for White Tail and Franzoi Park

Ordinance 2017-01 Amend Chapter 12 Section 12.04(1)

Ordinance 2018 01 Amended Room Tax Room Tax



Table of Contents 

Chapter 1 - Composition & Duties of General Town Government

Chapter 2 - Town Board & General Government

Chapter 3 - Police & Emergency Government Management 

Chapter 4 - Traffic Code

Chapter 5 - Fire Department

Chapter 6 - Development Ordinance

Chapter 7 - Public Protection, Orderly Conduct, & Nuisance

Chapter 8 - Destruction of Obsolete Records

Chapter 9 - Licenses, Permits, & Fees

Chapter 10 - Solid Waste & Garbage Disposal: Licensing & Regulation

Chapter 11 - Mobile Home Parks and Mobile Homes

Chapter 12 - Town Building Code

Chapter 13 - Public Works

Chapter 14 - Finance

Chapter 15 - Public Parklands

Chapter 16 - Construction & Effect of Ordinances

Chapter 17 - Citation Enforcement

Chapter 18 - Hazardous Waste

Chapter 19 - Storm Water Utility District

Chapter 20 - MS4 Requirements for Illicit Discharge and Connection

Town Of Neenah Fee Schedule