Town of Neenah | Parks & Trails
The Town of Neenah has four parks that total over 49 acres. The parks are located throughout the Town and are close to many residential areas. 

The Parks and Trails Committee manages the parks. The Committee is comprised of a group of volunteers that meet once a month from April through October. If you are interested in joining the Parks & Trails Committee, please contact the Town Chairman.

Would you like to make a donation to the Town of Neenah Parks & Trails?

If you would like to donate a bench, tree, or something else to beautify the Town parks,

please contact the town office at (920) 725-0916.

Are you interested in adopting a park or trail? Anyone with an interest in the outdoors is welcome to participate. Please see the below application for more information.


Adopt a Park or Trail Application
Town of Neenah - Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2016-2020
Town of Neenah - Existing Recreational Facilities Exhibit

We welcome you to bring your leashed dogs to visit our parks and trails.

Please make sure that your dog is leashed and all animal excreta is disposed of properly.

Ordinance 9.03(4) Dogs Not to Run at Large. No person shall permit any dog to run at large within the Town at any time. Running at large includes anywhere which is not within the limits of the owner’s premises. A dog shall not be considered running at large when it is consubject to forfeiture within the limits of the owner’s premises or is accompanied by a person and restrained by a leash. See Chapter 7.06(3)(j) herein.

Ordinance 9.03(7) Animal Excreta. The owner or person having immediate control of any dog shall promptly remove and dispose of, in a sanitary manner, any excreta left or deposited by the animal upon any public or private property.

Ordinance 9.03(9) Penalties. Any person violating the provisions above will be subject to forfeiture not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than $200.00, except that for any person violating Subsections (4) or (6) of this Section shall be subject to forfeiture fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first offense, seventy five dollars ($75.00) for the second offense, $100.00 for the third offense, and $200.00 for the fourth and any subsequent offense within a twelve (12) month period. Any person subject to forfeiture under this Section must also pay the costs of prosecution. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.