Road Snow Plowing

The Winnebago County Highway Department plows town roads as the Town Contactor. As a general rule, streets are plowed in the order of how much traffic each carries. For example, I-41 has the highest priority, and State roads are second in priority, County Trunk Highways are next, then main arterials, local roads, etc. The County does not plow private roads as these are the responsibility of the residents living on them.

Personal Snow Blowing

Per Town Ordinance 13.06(2): No person shall plow, shovel, blow or place snow across any town road into any ditch.
Per Town Ordinance 13.06(5): Any person violating the provisions above will be subject to forfeiture of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than $200.00. In addition, any costs associated with remedial action will be charged to the violator.

No Parking

No Parking From Dec. 1st to April 1st of the following year from 2 AM to 7 AM on any Town of Neenah Road.

*Town of Neenah Ordinance 4.04(1)(b)

4.04(2) Any person violating the provisions above will be subject to forfeiture not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) and not more than $200.00, except that any person who violates Subsection (1)(b) shall be subject to forfeiture not less than $100.00 and not more than $500.00, and any vehicle parked in violation of Subsection (1)(b) shall be towed at the owner’s expense. Each day or part thereof that a violation of this Section occurs shall be deemed a separate violation.


If you experience a problem with snowplowing or if a plow damages your mailbox or other property, please call the Town Office at 920-725-0916.

A mailbox will only be repaired or replaced if struck by snow removal equipment. Please ensure that your mailbox is securely fastened to the post.

Mailbox Safety

Winnebago County Highway Commission Policy on Mailboxes